At Mokasser we  constantly work to minimize the environmental footprint of our activities and also to enhance the sustainability of our products.  The vast majority of our furniture is manufactured in Årnes near Oslo, from predominantly domestically-sourced materials and parts.  Very high energy costs are involved in the transport of furniture and raw materials.  When parts are produced locally, the environmental impact is much smaller. 

Parts and materials are sourced only from leading quality suppliers.  Our suppliers of critical parts such as foam and fabrics all comply with the Environmental Management System standard ISO 14001. Wooden parts are all FSC certified.

Our design philosophy states that the design should withstand the test of time and only products with a long life cycle are developed and manufactured reducing waste and the use of energy and raw materials. 

We believe that recycling is critical to preventing pollution and, where possible, all opportunities are taken to reduce, reuse and recycle.